A Visit to New Bedford

A Visit to New Bedford

I must have been growing “hazy about the eyes” this winter because I took a detour from my dissertation writing to visit the New Bedford Whaling Museum for their Moby-Dick Marathon. The marathon began on Saturday morning, but we took our time driving the 300 or so miles North, stopping at the PEZ museum along … Continue reading

Testing the Tariff

Merry winter break!  Now that I’ve had some time away from the classroom, I’ve been catching up on all the reading and writing and thinking I wanted to do all semester.  In fact, it’s gotten to the point where I’m catching up with things I’ve been meaning to do since Summer 🙂 Posting on the … Continue reading

Rand Paul in Plagiarism Detention?

So, I’ve heard all about the Rand Paul case this past two months or so.  And, by now, it’s very old news.  But, I’m an academic, not a political blogger, so I hope you’ll forgive me for being slow to join the conversation, taking time to sip my tea, grade final student papers, and mull … Continue reading

Reflections on Translation Plagiarism

During this past month I’ve been re-immersing myself in Old English language and poetry in preparation for my language exam.  Now that I’ve taken it, and I’m done with all the memorization (knock on wood—I still don’t know whether I’ve passed or not) maybe I can put together some of my scattered thoughts on plagiarism … Continue reading